
Wanttotakedownyourscreenbrightnessanotch?Here'showtoturnondarkmodeandsetcustomcolorsacrossyourappsandmenusinWindows10.,2022年4月13日—NowWindows10willhaveaconsistenttransparentwhiteappearanceacrossallmenusandapps.YoucanalsofindouthowtoturnontheBlack ...,2019年5月15日—ItallowsyoutomodifytheappearanceofyourWindows10interfaceandsomeofitsapps,bychangingtheprimarycolortowhite.Whatchanges ...,2019年1...

How to Enable Dark Mode in Windows 10

Want to take down your screen brightness a notch? Here's how to turn on dark mode and set custom colors across your apps and menus in Windows 10.

How to Enable Light Mode in Windows 10

2022年4月13日 — Now Windows 10 will have a consistent transparent white appearance across all menus and apps. You can also find out how to turn on the Black ...

How to enable or disable the Light Mode in Windows 10

2019年5月15日 — It allows you to modify the appearance of your Windows 10 interface and some of its apps, by changing the primary color to white. What changes ...

lol why is this still white i have dark mode

2019年1月20日 — Actual reason: It's a protected process that can't be altered by OS preferences.

Use color filters in Windows

Color filters change the color palette on the screen and can help you distinguish between things that differ only by color. Windows 11Windows 10. To use a color ...

Windows 10 Shortcut to Switch Between Black & White and ...

2024年4月27日 — Windows 10 shortcut to switch between black & white or color mode. The former is basically grayscale. There are also filters for color ...

變更Microsoft 365 的外觀與風格

白色佈景主題. 白色主題的設計是顯示明亮、乾淨和新鮮 ... 您可以啟動[設定] 應用程式並流覽至[個人化] > [色彩] > 選擇您的模式,以選擇您的Windows 外觀Windows 11。